The Journey of a JKAS Aspirant[MOTIVATIONAL STORY]
Lokesh Shan sir. Wording..... On september 29, 2020 no sooner had I learnt of the declaration of the JKCCE 2020 results than I scuppered to find my rank on the final list. My hands were trembling. I was sure I would be on the final list, but between an aspirant and an officer was just a pdf, which I was not able to access as the website was busy. Finally, someone known to me sent the PDF to my sister. My sister opened the PDF and staidly said that my name was not in it. I asked her to recheck. She nodded in the negative . How could it be? I was so sure. I had overcome so many obstacles and mental pressures to reach the interview stage. My whole world shattered before my eyes. I could not move from where I sat for two hours. It was a double shock for me, as I had been appointed as Health Inspector in Government Medical College, Doda, my home district, and I had never ever thought that I would do the job. I thought that this job was not for me. Moreover, I had never lived away from...