Relationship between RBI and Government of India

Reserve Bank of India [As per the RBI Act, the Central Board is made up of the following members (21): Governor, four Deputy Governors, Four Directors (one each from the four regional boards of the RBI), 10 directors to be nominated by the Centre, and two government officials, also to be nominated by the Centre]. The relationship between the Board and the Governor is not comparable to a corporate set- up where the managing director (the corporate equivalent of the Governor) reports to the board and draws his powers from it. While a managing director is an agent of the board in a company, in the RBI, the Governor is not. He draws his powers from the RBI Act and not from the Central Board. He is appointed by the Prime Minister in consultation with the Finance Minister. The RBI Board has no say whatsoever in his appointment. In a company, the board of directors chooses one of its own to be appointed as the managing director. In the RBI,...